As long as the human body, and especially the male, does not fail and does not signal poor health with pain in any part of it, it seems that this representative of the stronger sex will always be young and healthy, and minor and painful illnesses. the symptoms will go away on their own. But, according to statistics, the first signs of prostatitis in men appear insignificantly and, accordingly, are ignored by men themselves, which eventually leads to quite serious consequences. What to do at the first manifestations and signals of prostate development, how to prevent a worsening of the nature of the disease and prevent unwanted consequences - we will examine later in this article.
General information
According to statistics, prostatitis is the most common purely male urological disease, which is an inflammation of such a component of the reproductive system as the prostate gland, located below the bladder. Simply put, the prostate is located near the urethra, covering it. Inflammation of the prostate provokes its enlargement, as a result of which it compresses the urinary tract, reduces the lumen in it, which does not completely empty the bladder during urination.
Decades ago, prostatitis was considered a disease of adulthood, as this disease was observed in the stronger sex after 45 years, while today the signs of prostate inflammation can also appear in young men (under 30 years).
The prostate gland in a man's body performs the following functions:
- produces a secretion that makes sperm more fluid and helps increase the duration of sperm activity;
- produces prostaglandins and other active substances and hormones;
- ensures a sufficient rate of sperm release;
- protects the sperm from entering the urine.
The main problem that arises as a result of the development of prostatitis is that as the volume of the gland itself increases, an increasing amount of urine remains after urination into the bladder and poisons the male body. Therefore, even the slightest symptoms of inflammation should not be ignored, so as not to cause the disease to more serious consequences.
The results of long-term clinical studies have made it possible to identify the main causes of the disease and the groups of people who suffer most often from prostatitis.
So the risk group includes men:
- working sedentary for a long time, as well as leading a sedentary lifestyle;
- are overweight;
- committing lewd sexual intercourse, the consequences of which may be harm from sexually transmitted infections;
- suffers from frequent constipation, which provokes the spread of microorganisms and bacterial inflammation of the prostate;
- suffering from excessive stress on the hip muscles due to injury or occupational reasons, such as drivers;
- susceptible to frequent hypothermia, hormonal disruptions, as well as those whose sex life is irregular.
Signs of prostatitis in men
Any serious illness warns of the initial stage of development with certain signals. If you do not take into account and do not seek the advice of a specialist in time, you may lose valuable time that can be used to treat the disease from the beginning.
Often, the disease progresses without certain signs, passing without proper attention into a chronic form that is difficult to treat.
With certain signals, it warns of the initial stage of development of any serious disease
But if a person is attentive to the changes that occur to him, he will surely notice the initial symptoms of inflammation in the following manifestations of prostatitis in men:
- Frequent desire to urinate at night.
- The process of emptying the bladder itself is difficult, with a characteristic weak pressure, intermittent or ruptured current, painful and longer than its normal course.
- A man feels a burning sensation when urinating, after which a feeling of full bladder remains.
- Painful sensations during bowel movements.
- Decreased quality of erection, fatigue, involuntary erections at night.
- Feeling of chills due to increased body temperature.
- Emphasis on a specific color.
Symptoms of prostatitis
Prostatitis caused by microorganisms (bacterial) can usually occur in acute and chronic forms, each of which is distinguished by the presence of specific symptoms:
- if prostatitis is observed in acute form, then a significant increase in body temperature is a common phenomenon, the pain extends not only to the prostate area, but also radiates to the groin and even to the lumbar region, men notice the presence of difficulties andfrequent urination, decreased sexual desire;
- The chronic course of prostatitis is characterized by characteristic pain in the pelvic and perineal region, the presence of blood clots in the semen and painful ejaculation, frequent stimulation at night to urinate, which is accompanied by burning and pain.
What is the peculiarity of acute and chronic inflammation?
Acute prostatitis is much less common than chronic prostatitis. A feature of the manifestation of the acute form of the disease is a characteristic strong pain that shifts to the perineum and intensifies during urination and defecation. In addition, there may be a continuous leak from the urinary tract and a decrease in erection. The temperature can rise up to 38-39 degrees. In severe cases, with acute urinary retention, serious intoxication of the body is possible.
Chronic prostatitis has symptoms similar to other urological diseases, and sometimes even asymptomatic. But it can be recognized by mild and rapid pain in the perineum as well as in the groin and pubic region. The duration and quality of sexual intercourse varies considerably, and during morning urination, a sediment in the form of white flakes may be present in the urine. There may be a characteristic leak after emptying the bladder.
If you do not identify a disease such as prostatitis and do not start treatment on time, the consequences can be very miserable - from violations of the patient's usual lifestyle, provoked by toilet addiction, persistent unpleasant sensations andpainful, intoxication due to poisoning with the products of the vital activity of the organism itself contained in stagnant urine, up to considerable disturbances in the genital area, up to impotence and infertility.

In addition, prostatitis in a man reduces the quality of sperm and, as a result, the likelihood of conception. Pathological processes occurring in the prostate gland can cause its abscess, kidney failure and inflammation of other organs of the genitourinary system.
Pain syndrome
In whatever form the prostate continues, this process is necessarily associated with pain syndrome, and the pain often radiates to the scrotum, sacrum, abdomen, spine, and pelvic region. The prostate itself may not give such severe pain, but the nerve endings of other pelvic organs react harshly to the inflammatory processes localized in it.
Specific discharge
Discharge from the urinary tract to the prostate can be of the following types:
- Milky-colored discharge, thick in consistency - signals the development of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
- Uncontrolled discharge of sperm from the urethra - indicates the transition of the prostate to a chronic form or the development of other diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Purulent discharge appears with a slow prostate, but in combination with an elevated temperature is a symptom of the disease passing into an acute form.
- Purulent discharge with a mixture of mucus is observed in the presence of bacterial prostatitis caused by microorganisms, the infection of which occurs mainly through sexual contact.

Treatment of prostatitis
Complete cure of prostatitis is a rather long process that requires an integrated approach. First, with the help of laboratory tests, diagnostics are performed to determine the nature of the disease, ultrasound examinations, MRI and tomography are prescribed, with their help they clearly determine the presence of this particular disease, and not another with similar symptoms.
Once the diagnosis of prostatitis is confirmed, the urologist prescribes the necessary therapy, which includes:
- Medicines that improve blood circulation.
- Pain relief medications.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- If there are signs of intoxication, detoxifying solutions and electrolytes are prescribed.
- Additional activities may include dietary nutrition, exercise therapy, and sedation.
Surgical treatment is indicated only for prostate abscess or complete blockage of the bladder outlet.

How to treat prostatitis at home
Traditional methods of treating prostatitis include the use of natural remedies such as:
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Juice and enema with it from chestnut peel.
- Tincture of ripe chestnut fruits.
- Fresh juices squeezed from carrots, beets, cucumbers, asparagus.
- Elder juice (black).
- Prostate massage.
However, it should be remembered that such funds are ancillary, the treatment process will be quite lengthy and should be supervised by a qualified urologist.
Prevention of prostatitis
Everyone can take preventive measures independently:
- pay attention to physical activity, rational alternative work, rest and physical activity;
- walk, and the more the better;
- follow the rules of a healthy diet and lifestyle;
- visit a doctor if even minor symptoms of disease development appear;
- use contraceptives;
- men at risk not to carry weights, and also to avoid excessive physical exertion;
- respect a regular sex life.
Forums dedicated to different methods of treating prostate diseases are full of messages, the leitmotif of which is the same:
- the disease affects about 60 percent of adult men (over 40);
- many of them constantly postpone a visit to a specialist, causing the disease, as a result of which prostatitis becomes a chronic disease;
- the pain signals that appear and the presence of characteristic discharge are often perceived as manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases and independently, and sometimes on the advice of friends, take medication, although they know for sure that it is better to consult a specialist;
- almost all have erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual desire and sexual dysfunction.